Agrochemical laboratory of Minsk daily inspects plantings

In the courtyard late autumn 2010 and it would seem all the plants in our native city of Minsk is ready for winter. Perhaps the plant and preparing it, but people are very hard working and working. This is evidenced by at least the work of the enterprise Minskzelenstroy.

Agrochemical laboratory of Minsk daily inspects plantings

Specialists agrochemical laboratory produced daily survey of greenery of the city of Minsk in accordance with the Plan of urban activities on detection and prevention of diseases, protection from harm and care in the context of UE Minskzelenstroy and administrative districts of Minsk in 2010. At the sites of ongoing monitoring selected samples of soil and biomass for agrochemical analysis of plants and other capital stands. From a set of observations and surveys will provide valuable information about the dynamics of change in the state of urban plantings, depending on weather conditions, the degree of soil pollution, changes in physical and agrochemical properties of soils, the degree of spread of diseases and pests and other factors. We wish our Belarusian specialists success in their work. And remind your visitors that discuss the latest news of plants can be on the forum about the plants and flowers in Belarus.


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